Interested in being an intergral part of Main Street Enid? We have four committees that meet once a month to assist us with intergrating our Four-Point Approach consisting of Organization, Promotion, Design, and Economic Vitality.
From attracting potential partners, fundraising and volunteer recruitment to assisting with the physical image of Downtown Enid, facade renovations, and assisting with the preservation of properties, to finding new uses for historic buildings, building relationships with businesses and property owners, and recruiting businesses, to promoting the district as the center hub of commerce, culture, and community through events and promotions, we've got a place for everyone!
Organization | 2nd Tuesday of the Month | 12 PM
Promotion | 1st Tuesday of the Month | 5:30 PM
Design Committee | 3rdTuesday of the Month | 12 PM
Economic Vitality | 4th Tuesday of the Month | 12 PM